Follow founders, not politicians.

Phil Alves
Phil Alves
· 3 min read
Follow founders, not politicians.

Founders have changed the world more than any politician.

Here’s just one example: The other day, I saw a post from Elon Musk where he just got approval to make a device that will help blind people see.

That’s more than any of the world’s politicians can offer.

Founders offer the world more than politicians ever could.

Think about it. Henry Ford made it possible for everyone to have a car, and Bill Gates made it possible to have a computer at every desk. Ray Kroc, the man who turned McDonald’s into a worldwide franchise, made it possible for others to franchise. Sam Walton made retail accessible, even to people who live in rural areas.

All of these founders opened up a whole new world of possibilities, making things that were once impossible now accessible on a large scale.

When you look at founders like this who really innovate, it’s hard NOT to see that entrepreneurs are the ones who have been making the world a better place (not politicians).

I’m not saying you shouldn’t have political beliefs or care deeply about societal issues or causes. But I do think that immersing yourself in politics becomes triggering, and it changes the way you feel day-to-day.

If your goal is to build a great business that can have a great impact on your life and the people around you, engaging in politics will drag you down—no matter which side of the aisle you’re on.

When it comes to the election, no amount of watching debates, getting sucked into news segments, or arguing on the Internet is likely going to change who you are going to vote for (or anyone else for that matter).

You can only control what is controllable. So why not focus on what impact you can make as a founder instead of obsessing over politics?

Have your political discussions offline with real people.

If you have to talk about politics, do it offline!

When you talk face-to-face, it’s an entirely different situation. You can have a discourse with someone who has a different opinion without the mask of anonymity. You can disagree without going into a blind rage or scrolling endlessly.

For example, I’ve got a friend I disagree with when it comes to politics. We’ll be out together, and I’ll see something that makes me think of how much I don’t like big government. I’ll rant for a few minutes, and he’ll make fun of me. Then, we move on.

When you talk to people in real life, you treat people as people; there’s more respect, and you can disagree, move on, and still be friends. But there is no end when you’re online scrolling on social media or going down a Reddit rabbit hole. It’s made to keep you stuck and get you addicted.

Next thing you know, you’ve wasted 5 hours doom-scrolling and giving yourself anxiety over something you have no control over.

We need more entrepreneurs and fewer bureaucrats.

As an entrepreneur, I strongly believe I can do more for the world than politicians. There are at least five hundred people who are better off because of the business I’ve created. 

For that reason, I’d rather follow and consume content from entrepreneurs…

Like Nathan Barry...

And Patrick Campbell...

And Jason Fried and DHH...

These are the kind of people who are actively building shit. And this is the type of content that’s going to help you make the world around you a better place.

TL;DR: Founders have changed the world more than any politician. So it’s time to stop obsessing over politics. Consuming an overload of political content It’s holding you back.

Instead, focus on what you can control and the impact you can make as a founder. And consume content from other founders.

To your rebel journey,

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